It took 10.5 hours, the second longest meeting of the term, for Councillors to conduct nine public hearings and make decisions. Of note, the Dundurn Shoppers proposal was strongly rejected, the 467 Charlton East condos were approved, the Hermitage Ruins are facing partial demolition pending on how Council votes Friday, and urban woodlots are now getting protection.
In bold at the top of his agenda subject is the decision made by Committee. Click the full story for more on the vote and discussion.
Original StoryIt will be a long day at Planning Committee with the Dundurn Shoppers Development, 467 Charlton Avenue East, Hermitage Ruins, and a new Woodlot Cutting Bylaw all on the agenda.
The [full agenda](http://hamilton.siretechnologies.com/sirepub/mtgviewer.aspx?meetid=648&doctype=AGENDA) is on the City’s website. (Warning: Not AODA complaint or mobile-friend)King/Dundurn Shoppers Development
Full Story: Council Posed to Formally Reject King/Dundurn Shoppers Development
The developer appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board for non-decision and today’s vote gives Council the opportunity to take an official position on the developer to enable the City’s legal staff to properly represent the City at the OMB hearing.
467 Charlton East
Full Story: Former Wentworth/Charlton Bowling Alley Condo mid-rise at 467 Charlton East on Planning agenda today.
Hermitage Ruins Partial Demolition
Partial Demolition Approved on a 5-2 vote
Full Story: Council Must Decide: Demolish or Save the Hermitage Ruins
To make things a bit more interesting, Councillor Brian McHattie – who is Chair of the Conservation Authority’s Board – is favoring the partial demolition of the heritage property and Councillor Lloyd Ferguson is opposing.
Urban Woodlots Protection Bylaw
Full Story: City Council to Vote to Protect Woodlots on Private Property
City Council looks to pass bylaw protecting urban woodlots on private property after developers clear cut land.
The question is, even with larger fines, will developers just see violating the bylaw as the “cost of doing business”?
1370 Brock Road
Full Story: New Rural Church Proposed for 1370 Brock Road Flamborough
A new rural church will be built on the northeast corner of Brock Road if Councillors agree with the staff recommendation to approve a zoning change.
Decreased Density in Mewburn Neighbourhood
Full Story: Staff Recommend Decreased Density in Hamilton’s Mewburn Neighbourhood
Council will vote on decreasing the density requirements for development in the Mewburn Neighbourhood from 60 units per hectare to 38 per hectare – meaning the City will need to increase density elsewhere.
New Hotel for Upper James and the Linc
Full Story: New Hotel Proposed for Linc and Upper James (1187-1201 Upper James Street)
Upper James at the Linc will soon have a new four-storey hotel if Councillors agree with the staff recommendation to approve a proposed development to the southeast of the highway interchange.
22 Dennis Ave Flamborough
Full Story: City Staff Recommend Approval of Severance at 22 Dennis Ave in Flamborough
The property at 22 Dennis Avenue in Flamborough will be severed into two property if Councillors agree with the staff recommendation to approve the severance to allow the construction of another single family home.
25 Howard Blvd, Flamborough
Full Story: City Staff Recommend Approval of Severance at 25 Howard Blvd in Flamborough
The property at 25 Howard Blvd in Flamborough will be severed into two property if Councillors agree with the staff recommendation to approve a zoning change to allow the construction of another single family home.
Durand Secondary Plan Motion
Full Story: Councillor Proposes Creating Secondary Plan for Durand