Planning Committee for September 4, 2013

The Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw will be the first topic on today’s Planning Committee meeting.

Following this, Committee will hear further delegations. There are 17 delegations requests for today thus far. Under the Planning Act, delegations for hearings do not need to be registered in advance.

There are three hearings attracting much attention:

  • Zoning change for 3250 Homestead Drive in Mount Hope
  • Zoning change for “Red Hill Summit Estates East” in Glanbrook
  • Transportation Plan in area of Red Hill Business Park as part of report on “Red Hill Summit Estates East”

The hearings should take a few hours as they are under the Planning Act and not subject to five minute speaking limits.

Consent items are straight-forward today and shouldn’t spark debate.

There are two closed session items, including a debate if the City Council will appeal the Ontario Municipal Board decision on Lynwood Charlton Hall. (Background story)

Full Agenda

Items of Wider Interest
Python Exception in Hamilton? | 3250 Homestead Drive (Mount Hope) |

Public Hearings and Delegations

  • Michael Sabelli and Jim Bruzzese respecting the reduction in radius and standard for an existing temporary turning circle located on Waterberry Trail
  • Application to Amend Glanbrook Zoning By-law No. 464 for Lands Located on the South Side of Rymal Road Within the “Red Hill Summit Estates East” Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision to allow for more dense and smaller townhome units in the new development.
  • Frank Attardo, on behalf of Farzad Karambakhsh, (Owner) respecting Item 8.1, 3250 Homestead Drive.
  • Marianne and Hugh Brown respecting Item 8.1, 3250 Homestead Drive
  • Ed Fothergill (professional planning) and John Clinton of St. Leonard’s Society of Hamilton. Council tabled a request from the Society to renovate their halfway home to bring it to modern standards.
  • Sheryl Fink, Responsible Pet Ownership bylaw
  • Florine Morrison, Responsible Pet Ownership bylaw
  • Karl Mullen, respecting Item 8.1, 3250 Homestead Drive
  • David Hayes, respecting Item 8.4 Red Hill Business Park South Transportation Master Plan Addendum
  • Dawn Ludwig, respecting Item 8.4  Red Hill Business Park South Transportation Master Plan Addendum
  • Phylis Bezeau, respecting Item 8.4 Red Hill Business Park South Transportation Master Plan Addendum
  • Hugh Brown, respecting Item 8.4 Red Hill Business Park South Transportation Master Plan Addendum
  • Ann Tennier, Maple Leaf Foods, respecting Item 8.4 Red Hill Business Park South Transportation Master Plan Addendum

Delegation requests

Consent Items

  • Changes to the Liquor License Application Review Process (PED09127(g))
    – The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario has made minor changes to their processes and the City is aligning to those changes
  • Heritage Permit Application HP2013-032, Under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, for the Erection of a Structure at 962 Beach Boulevard (Hamilton) (PED13142)
    – the Beach Strip is a heritage district and all new structures in the area must respect the heritage character of the community and be approved by the Municipal Heritage Committee. Heritage Committee decisions are then voted upon by Planning Committee, which is what is happening today.
  • Appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board on the City of Hamilton’s Refusal or Neglect to Adopt Amendments to the Hamilton-Wentworth Official Plan and Hamilton Zoning By-law No. 05-200 for Lands Located at 899 Nebo Road (Glanbrook) (PED13147)
    – The City is being taken to OMB for not meeting the deadline for decision on an zoning application. The City traditionally does not make decisions within the required 120 days. Most developers and applicants accept this longer time for approval to facilitate their application without a costly OMB battle.
  • Appointment By-law under the Building Code Act (PED13148)
    – updating the list of City building inspectors as required by provincial legislation.
  • Minutes from the Heritage Committee (April 16, May 21)
  • Tow Truck Licensing Sub-Committee Minutes – June 13, 2013
  • Appeal of the City of Hamilton Committee of Adjustment Decision to Approve Severance Application HM/B-13:27, Louis Serafini, Fengate Capital Management Ltd. (Owner), 1400 Upper James Street (Hamilton) (PED13123)
    – City Staff are appealing an Committee of Adjustment decision that was contrary to staff advice.

Discussion Items and Hearings

  • Application to Amend Glanbrook Zoning By-law No. 464 for Lands Located on the South Side of Rymal Road Within the “Red Hill Summit Estates East” Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision (PED13115)
  • Red Hill Business Park South Transportation Master Plan Addendum (PED13146)

Closed Session

  • Closed Session Minutes – August 13, 2013
  • Motion for Leave to Appeal to Divisional Court of OMB Decision In Respect of OMB Appeals of ROPA 43, Ancaster OPA 137,  ZBA (By-law 11-191), Draft Plan of Subdivision 25T–201005  (1125-1143 Wilson Street West, Ancaster)
  • OMB Decision in respect of appeal by Lynwood Charlton Centre from Council’s refusal to enact a proposed zoning bylaw amendment to rezone lands at 121 Augusta Street (Background Story | OMB Decision)

Python Exception in Hamilton?

The bylaw only allows the ownership of “non-venomous lizards (not including iguanas) that do not exceed two metres in length from nose to tip of tail at maturity.”

The owners of Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo are speaking to the committee today asking for an exception to the bylaw to allow them to keep the large pythons they own in the shop.

Their delegation includes supporting letters from community members. This following media coverage of python incidents following the tragic deaths of two children from a python strangling in New Brunswick.

3250 Homestead Drive in Mount Hope

A public meeting was held two weeks ago in Mount Hope by the owner who wishes to build a mixed commercial and residential use on the property near the airport. The owner has waited over a year and downsized his plans to try meeting some of the concerns of area residents.

The property is on a growth corridor and the original plan (since withdrawn for lower density) met all requirements of the official plans.

The proposed three-storey building will be first storey commercial with two floors of residential.

The owner is represented by two consultants: Frank Attardo and former Mayor Larry DiIanni.

Motion for Leave to Appeal to Divisional Court of OMB Decision In Respect of OMB Appeals of ROPA 43, Ancaster OPA 137,  ZBA (By-law 11-191), Draft Plan of Subdivision 25T–201005  (1125-1143 Wilson Street West, Ancaster)