Update: Council’s AF&A Cmte approved the waiver.
Council must vote on any waiving of Development Charges for “new” developments.
[](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/800px-Rock_Gardens_B.jpg)RBG's Rock Gardens
The Royal Botanical Gardens is rejuvenating the famous [Rock Gardens](http://www.rbg.ca/rockgarden) and part of the plan includes a new building.
The new building means the City is seeking $102,734.13 in development charges, including a portion for parkland dedication.
The RBG is formally requesting City Council waive the development charges.
Council has waived DC charges in the past for non-profits such as Ronald McDonald House and Habitat for Humanity.
Staff are in favour of waiving the fees, noting the RBG is paying for public works improvements on York Blvd and the RBG provides public service.
Read the Full Report Below:
*[Watch Live Coverage of Council’s Audit, Finance, and Administration meeting on Wednesday starting at 9:30am](http://joeycoleman.ca/2014/08/13/hamilton-audit-finance-and-admin-committee-for-august-13-2014/)*