I really liked this idea on the blog: canadiancomment
Sadly, this is another one of those semi-anonymous type blogs where the person only gives their first name, so I cannot trace any potential the bias. Not that I see any in this post, I just like knowing who I am reading from.
Here is the great idea on their blog:
Are you angry at the Liberal Party of Canada and want a way to express that anger even before you get a chance to do it at the ballot box, for their involvement in the sponsorship scandal? If so, I have a fun little idea for a mail in campaign, so that you the taxpayer, can show them just how angry you are over their behavior.
My idea for the mail in campaign, is to mail envelopes stuffed with monopoly money to Paul Martin’s office.
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington St.
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A2
Because we all know how much the Liberal party likes envelopes stuffed with money, so we might as well help them out and all send one. But don’t forget to put a note in the envelope too, because you have to request something from them in return for your envelope stuffed with cash. From what we have been hearing, that’s how things work inside of the Liberal machine.
So if you think this is a good idea and would also like to see the Prime Minister receive a boat load of envelopes stuffed with play money, you can help out by spreading the idea around. I simply don’t have the means myself to get the message out to enough people to make the mail in campaign a success, so I’d appreciate all the help you can give. You could link this post at your own sites, or even get the MSM involved, every little bit will help. Thanks.
Actually, maybe I should get some Monopoly Money for Administration here at the University so they stop burning real money.