Yes, I would vote for a Fire Hydrant if I could. Specifically, the Fire Hydrant of UBC.
From the opening line of the platform of the Fire Hydrant for BoG this year:
Tired of student politicians earnestly trying to convince you that the world will descend into anarchy if they aren’t elected?
Perhaps anarchy sounds kind of fun?
Well, I don’t have a resume to pad, I’ll probably never look for a job, and I specialize at anarchy. Picture me as the spanner and UBC’s administration as the works.
You probably neither know nor care what UBC’s Board of Governors (a.k.a. BoG or Board) is. I do. I’ve even attended about five hours of their committee meetings, and would have spoken to them if I’d had a mouth. I attended a meeting of the full Board just after last year’s election, and informed President Piper that I lost by six votes. At the following Board meeting, she announced her resignation effective this coming June. That’s as close to proven results as any of my opponents are likely to offer. I’ve been kicked out of more Board meetings than all of my opponents combined, and more than all but Tim have even attended.
If you do care, BoG is a small group of mostly provincial appointees who run the university from behind the curtain. Martha Piper is on it. Electing me will annoy the hell out of Martha, and most of her senior administration. It’s probably the most effective way to accomplish this worthy goal. Scott, the public relations guy, would have a particularly tough year.
Read the rest of the platform and you will see why this “Joke Candidate” adds a lot to the discourse of the BoG campaign at UBC.
The Fire Hydrant is the crowd favourite year after year. Some members of the UBC senior administration are very annoyed by its existance, others under stand that the “Joke Candidate” when intelligently done adds a lot to the race and can point out a lot of problems in a non-confrontational way. It also gets people talking on their blogs, webpages and other forums.
You can learn more about the Hydrant at these sites:
The Webpage of the Hydrant Translator
How the Hydrant came to be
The history of the Hydrant’s runningrolling for election.
The time the Hydrant ran for UBC BoG on the slate of the RBF(website)! The Hydrant had a pretty cool election poster.
The AMS page of candidate information with the Hydrant.
Articles from the UBC student newspaper The Ubyssey:
2004 Election:
This article jokes about the Fire Hydrant winning.
The 2004 Election Editorial
2005 Election:
Article about the 2005 Election All-Candidates Forum
2005 Election Editorial Election Supplement (notice how the editorial informs, says who is qualified and why, unlike the Sil which plays politics and says to vote for one person without first doing this and putting out a supplement)
2006 Election:
The 2005 Editorial Endorsements
The attack on the Fire Hydrant by other candidates
The debate about International Students not be allowed to run for BoG meanwhile an inanimate object can
What the AMS election and the Miss America Pageant have in common
BoG Results
Senate Committee dismisses student’s BoG appeal