Toronto police have arrested and charged a 45-year old male in connection with three sexual assaults. At least two of the three assaults occurred at York University.
On March 16, a woman running to catch a city bus was inappropriately touched by a male. The suspect fled on foot and the woman was not injured. Two months later, in the same location, the Harry W. Arthurs Common which is York’s bus terminal, a women sitting on a bench was approached by a male who tried to kiss her. The victim was not injured and was able to flee to safety.
Details of the third assault have not been released but it reportedly involved a weapon.
Samir Kari is charged with three counts of sexual assault, one weapons charge, and one count of assault with intent to resist arrest. He appeared in court Tuesday morning.
York was the scene of a high profile sexual assault incident in September after two men entered unlocked dorm rooms while students were sleeping and raped two women. The men were later arrested.