The best physical gift I received this year

A big light blue towel in early April.

I’ve always been one to prefer huge towels. I have a dark blue towel which I purchased from IKEA in early 2003 that is my favourite. It’s travelled with me across the country and became a bit of a trademark of mine while I lived in barracks and later in residence. In short, I valued the towel.

I had the towel, along with many other items of mine, at a girlfriend’s apartment when she ended our relationship by email during the second half of February.

She refused to return any of my items. By the end of March, I was really frustrated by the situation. I often complained to my close friends about the fact that the ex-girfriend was refusing to return my stuff. When asked which item I wanted returned most, I would respond by stating my big blue towel.

A good friend was out with her now-fiancee. He suggested a few towels, to which she told him they were too small. After an extensive search, she found a huge towel. A few days after purchasing it, she gave it to me. It was the best gift of the year because of how thoughtful it was and it reminded me that my friend truly cared.

Whenever I use this towel, I fell that I’m wrapped by the caring feelings of my friends.