It’s promising to be a very busy week at City Hall next week. I only have 5 of the 8 City agendas for next week, and already I’m hard-pressed to think of a busier week since the budget deliberations in March.
I will bring live video of all meetings.
The big decisions during the week ahead include:
- The future of Police Chief Glenn De Caire (Mon 4pm)
- School closures ratification (Mon 5:30pm)
- Lobbyist Registry (Weds 4:00pm)
- Arts funding increase of $1-million per year (Weds 9:30am)
- A-Line vs B-Line for LRT … again.. bang head on desk (Weds 9:30am)
- A citizen’s panel to review fluoridation of municipal drinking water (Mon 1:30pm)
- The proposed waste gasification plant (Mon 1:30pm)
- Rental housing enforcement strategy (Tues 9:30am)
- Zoning for medical marihuana growing facilities. (Tues 9:30am)
Here are some of the big issues being decided each day next week:
Police Services Board (4pm)
Note: Meeting moved to Hamilton Police Headquarters due to School Board meeting in Council Chambers
Will Police Chief Glenn De Caire be granted a second term? The Police Services Board is expected to decide Monday evening. They’ll debate this behind closed doors, I’ll livestream outside the doors and we’ll find out together what the Police Board decides.
The full agenda is not public until late Friday afternoon. Watch over the weekend for the full agenda review story.
HWDSB Special Board (5:30pm)
Trustees will ratified their planned school closures and changes in Flamborough, East Hamilton, and Central Mountain.
The full agenda is not public until late Friday afternoon. Watch over the weekend for the full agenda review story.
Public Works Cmte (9:30am)
- A lower (40 km/h) speed limit on Sanford Ave S between Delaware Ave. and Main – traffic from the Sherman Access is diverted to this route from Wentworth which becomes a one-way southbound-only at Delaware Ave.
- A bike park in Gage Park, following a request from the Crown Point Youth Council for the park.
- Churchill Park Land Management Master Plan
- “The Role of Transportation Planning and Mobility Programs in the Transportation Division” – there’s no report in advance of this presentation.
Board of Health (1:30pm)
- A citizen’s panel to review fluoridation of municipal drinking water
- The proposed waste gasification plant at Port Authority lands at the foot of Sherman Ave N. Councillor Morrow wishes to block the proposal.
Planning Cmte (9:30am)
- Rental housing enforcement strategy
- Proposed apartment building at 99-103 Locke Street South (Between Jackson and Canada St)
- Zoning for medical marihuana growing facilities.
- Delegated authority for “minor alterations” of heritage buildings (response to “minor alteration” of James Baptist Church)
General Issues Cmte (9:30am)
- A-Line vs. B-Line for LRT (again)
- Delegation from Norm Dorr, father-in-law of the late Steve Mesic, regarding lapel cameras for police officers
- Arts funding increase of $1-million per year
- Preview of new City of Hamilton website
- New tree bylaw (response to 1 St. James Place)
- One time funding for Theatre Aquarius related to Opera Hamilton bankruptcy
- Expansion of Neighbourhood Action Strategy to some city-wide initatives
Special General Issues Cmte (4:00pm)
- Lobbyist Registry
Truck Route Sub-Cmte (9:30am)
The full agenda is not public until late Friday afternoon or Monday morning. It is not posted to the City website. Watch for the full agenda review story.
Hamilton Municipal Heritage Committee (12noon)
The full agenda is not public until late Friday afternoon or Monday morning. It is not posted to the City website. Watch for the full agenda review story.
Future Fund Board of Governors (2:00pm)
The full agenda is not public until late Friday afternoon or Monday morning. It is not posted to the City website. Watch for the full agenda review story.