Today's email exchange Bratina vs. Whitehead

In it’s entirety as of 1847EDT (2247GMT) today:

**Whitehead, Terry **** 5 October 2011 18:47 **
To: “Chapman, Peggy”, DL – Council Only
Cc: “DL – News Media (Local)”
The Mayor made his comments without attempting to contact me by phone or e-mail before the Fairness committee convened. He chose to raise the issue without talking to Monique Taylor to determine any validity to his concerns. The Mayor chose to raise the issue as a matter of public record in my absence. I asked him to apologize for his irresponsible assertions and to correct the public record. He said he would do both however, an apology was never offered.Further, the Mayor stated personally to me that the committee should be a non partisan committee, I agreed. At know time did he suggest his position would expire at the end of the election.I respect the role of Mayor and suggest that if he truly wants to work in a positive fashion with his council, the Mayor should talk to them first before issuing erroneous statements. Good Mayors recognize when they make mistakes and apologize for it. I am still waiting!



**Chapman, Peggy **** 5 October 2011 18:24 **
To: DL – Council Only
Cc: “DL – News Media (Local)”
Comments from Mayor Bratina.
Peggy Chapman Chief of Staff Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina [905-546-4116](tel:905-546-4116)
Clr Whitehead has failed to grasp the issue that confronted the “Fairness to Hamilton” committee when I asked for clarification of his situation regarding support of a candidate who was running against Minister Aggelonitis. Several people had stated that Clr Whitehead was managing the campaign of Monique Taylor who was the announced NDP candidate in Minister Aggelonitis’ riding. If that were the case he would be in a conflict in terms of deciding on issues being brought foreward to the minister. In such an event my advice to the Committee was that the Councillor should step down until after the election. Clr Whitehead subsequently stated that he was not managing or otherwise assisting Ms Taylor’s campaign so no conflict existed.

That matter does not relate to my position on the Provincial election. The committee will not be meeting until after the election. This is the second inaccurate and unfortunate public statement made by Clr Whitehead on this matter. The first one used the phrase “speaking out of both sides of his mouth” in a comment to Emma Reilly of the Spectator for which he privately apologized. However he did not correct himself publicly to that reporter or anyone else. I’m asking Clr Whitehead to apologize publicly for the dishonourable statement he made and commit to working in an open and positive way with the Mayor and Council in the best interests of the City.
Bob Bratina,
Mayor,  City of Hamilton.

**From**: Whitehead, Terry **Sent**: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 03:06 PM **To**: Clark, Brad; Chapman, Peggy; Duvall, Scott; Bratina, Bob; Collins, Chad; Merulla, Sam; Morelli, Bernie; Ferguson, Lloyd; Pearson, Maria; Farr, Jason; Johnson, Brenda; McHattie, Brian; Pasuta, Robert; Powers, Russ; Jackson, Tom; Partridge, Judi **Subject**: Re: Media Advisory
The mayor today endorsed the Provincial Liberal government and has entrenched himself in partisan politics. I respect his personal choice however, since the Mayor mistakenly acussed me of partisanship politics and stated it had no place on the Fairness to Hamilton Committee I would ask the Mayor to do the honourable thing and resign from the committee.

