I love the accusations leveled against me that I am spreading misinformation and lies about the MSU.
Yeah, sure…. that is why that could only pick one item out of my list that was incorrect. The only reason I put it out there was because the Executive of the MSU is so top secretive that they tell students nothing.
The only time they actually respond to concerns is when I put it out there for the public to see.
I have now recieved the cost of the Cottage Country Retreat the MSU went on: $17,200. Still a lot of our money.
Oh yeah, even more Student Code of Conduct charges coming my way.
The MSU is really hoping their friends at the University shut down students down. Wow, the more I learn about student politics the more cynical I become.
Speaking of cynical, the situation at Simon Fraser is only getting worse as more light is shone on the Executive at the Simon Fraser Student Society: http://blog.sfssdemocracynow.ca/
I want to say to the students of Simon Fraser fighting for accountability from the student union they have to pay money to; keep up the good work!
You know, the more I learn about Student Unions and the massive amount of money they waste; the more and more that I am in favour of VSU: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voluntary_student_unionism