The University of Saskatchewan student newspaper The Sheaf is hoping to increase their student levy to $6 per term from the present inflation indexed $3.36 per term. This amounts to $12 per academic year from the present $6.72.
There is no doubt The Sheaf is one of the better student newspapers in the country. I enjoyed reading it online back in the day when they uploaded a copy onto the tubes.
Based on the news story I linked to, it’s also clear The Sheaf is in need of an infusion of new revenue.
However, they are attempting to get this new revenue too quickly. They need to implement a phrased increase. To almost double their fee in one year is too much.
Reading the story, I’m surprised to learn there are no protections in place to prevent the creation or increase of ancillary fees. Students at the University of Saskatchewan should be lobbying for an ancillary fee protocol which requires all new fees and increases to present fees be approved by a student referendum.