The City Manager’s office’s report on the Hamilton Pan Am velodrome, to be voted on by Council in committee on Monday, is not expected to arrive in the City Clerk’s office until Friday.
Upon receipt at the Clerk’s office, the documents are distributed to Council. It is unknown if it public release on the City website will occur Friday. Under the City’s procedural bylaw (BY-LAW NO. 10-053), the documents are not released to the public until at least 24 hours after distribution to Council.
9.1 The Clerk shall distribute the regular agendas of Council and Standing Committee meetings to members of Council and Senior Management Team at least 5 days prior to the scheduled meetings.
9.2 The Clerk shall make the regular agendas of Council and Standing Committee meetings, available to the media and general public, at least 24 hours following the distribution set out in subsection 9.1.
This provision is waive if Council agrees to release earlier. In reality, the documents are often “leaked” by City Councillors to favoured contacts.