Ward 12 Councillor Lloyd Ferguson objects to last minute Pan-Am meeting

Ward 12 Councillor Lloyd Ferguson is objecting to Monday’s special meetings of Hamilton City Council to make a last minute decision about the location of the Pan Am velodrome.

In an email sent today at 10:45EDT to his fellow Councillors and the Mayor, cc’d to local media, Councillor Ferguson writes:

I want to express in the strongest possible terms my objections to this meeting. This is a special GIC called at the last minute in the summer break on a very important issue and I can not be in attendance. Why are we jamming this issue trough when staff had months to prepare and canceled the meeting on the Veldrome twice at regularly scheduled meetings of GIC. I have no idea what is being proposed as the report according to the agenda will be distributed later!

I have sent two e-mails to the  Mayor and asked that this not happen and never even got the courtesy of a reply!

I would ask other Council members to not support his meeting or waving the rules. It should be done at a regularly scheduled Council meeting. That is why we have these rules.

Best regards

Lloyd Ferguson
Ancaster Councillor
Ward 12

Councillors still have not been presented the staff report about the velodrome.

UPDATE: Response from Mayor Bob Bratina to Mr. Ferguson

Mayor Bratina responded at 10:58 writing:

Dear Councillor,

My office was informed and I have confirmation that the City Manager did respond to your message.

Bob Bratina,
Mayor, City of Hamilton

UPDATE 2: Ward 9 Councillor Brad Clark asks why the rush?

Councillor Clark asks why the rush and calls for the velodrome report to be provided to Council and the public at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. His email sent 1210EDT:

Mayor and Councillors,

What is the need for the special council meeting?

On an issue so significant as the PanAm velodrome, we should not be rushing a council decision to 30 mins after a GIC mtg. We have an excellent process that is meant to provide councillors and the public time to make informed decisions. Short cutting the process on such items will only breed further cynism and contempt with our citizens.

Further, I am told that the report will be a verbal report. I am sincerely hoping that this expectation is misplaced. I would hope and expect to see a full written report on any item placed into the public record at a City Council meeting. The public and councillors have a right to see all reports 48 hours before the council meeting.


Brad Clark
Councillor Ward 9
Heritage Stoney Creek
905 546-2703
Web Blog: www.councillorbradclark.blogspot.com