CTV repors on the release today of the Maclean’s rankings. I picked up a copy. I am very happy to see that the work I started when on UMSU Council continues with Matt and UMSPAR getting mentioned in the Maclean’s issue this year. It also shows how the Administration at UManitoba refuses to eat the horrible food in Pembina Hall. Mind you they claim to have ate it…. I have never seen/hear/been told of or been given any proof of this. BTW, eating banquet food in Pembina Hall when it is closed to students does not count. We all know that is not the food served to students. Hey Matt, I know you will read this tonight, Great Job!!! Keep up the good work. Rachel, Amanda, Cathy, Garry, Josh, great job supporting UMSPAR and working on the file for UMSU. This mention of our issue in Maclean’s is nice. It could not have happened without your work as well. All the other people who supported this movement or are part of it, your efforts are not in vain. Good job everyone.
Link to CTV.ca | University of Alberta tops Maclean’s rankings