Dave Hanley, Great Hamiltonian, Gone Too Soon

Dave Hanley, Great Hamiltonian, Gone Too Soon

Devastating news tonight, as we learn of the sudden and unexpected death of Dave Hanley, who is widely known for his work organizing the great PopUp Hamilton events.

When someone dies, especially someone as amazing has Dave, it is my practice to try and capture the person in words. Instead, I encourage you to take a few minutes and read the growing stream of tributes on his Facebook page.

Dave was one of my favourite Hamiltonians.

There are days, more than this Hamilton-born writer cares to admit, that this city drains everything from you. Dave's energy and passion for our Hamilton served to reinvigorate me and reminded me of the positive change happening in our community.

Dave made me a better Hamiltonian, but leading with his example as a new Hamiltonian. It's only been five years since he arrived, he gave so much in those five years, that it is hard to believe it was only five years.

We've been robbed, we've lost a great one, may we live up to his example by continuing his success making our community better.

Top photo courtesy Dave Hanley's family