[](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/hcf_new.png)The new HCF website
The Hamilton Community Foundation has a [new domain](http://hamiltoncommunityfoundation.ca), website, and logo.
Launched this week as the HCF celebrates its 60th anniversary, the new website designed by Orbital features a large hero image by local photographer Dan Jelly and is fully responsive.
[](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/hcf_1.png)The recent HCF website, just replaced.
The HCF’s new domain is [www.hamiltoncommunityfoundation.ca](http://hamiltoncommunityfoundation.ca), replacing www.hcf.on.ca.
The original HCF website launch early in 2001 as part of the Hamilton-Wentworth Community Network.
60th Anniversary Free Community Admission
To celebrate their 60th anniversity, the HCF – supported by Pioneer – will sponsor free admission to 40 community attractions.