Council will vote on starting the process to designate the Kenilworth Library as a heritage building, and a housekeeping amendment on the current designation of 320 King East are the heritage items.
The new sub-division is in Ward 8, southwest of the Linc and West 5th. The condo version is in Ward 3’s Gibson neighbourhood on Proctor Blvd just south of King Street.
The City will look at streamlining parking ticket appeals to remove them from the Provincial Offenses Court – which just cut hearings to one day per month – and have them heard by a special administrative body. Tickets over $100 will remain at the provincial offenses court.
Live video starts at 9:30am.
[module type=”aside” width=”half” align=”right”]AGENDA
Consent Items
5.1 Hamilton Historical Board Minutes – April 15, 2014
5.2 Amendments to Telecommunication Tower and Antenna Protocol
5.3 Designation of Kenilworth Library (103 Kenilworth Avenue North) as a Heritage Building
5.4 Heritage Permit Application for 6 Victoria Street (Dundas)
5.5 Heritage Permit Application for 4 Griffin Street (Waterdown)
5.6 Amendments to By-law No. 05-012 Designating 320 King Street East (Hamilton) under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
5.7 Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMP) for Parking Infractions
Public Hearings (Planning Act)
6.1 Condominium Conversion for 12 Proctor Boulevard, Hamilton
6.2 “Fontana Gardens Phase 3”, Hamilton (Ward 8)
6.3 620 South Service Road (Stoney Creek) (Ward 10)
Debate Items
8.1 Work Plan to Address Performance Audit Report 2013-14 – Unlicensed Businesses
9.1 North Hamilton Community Health Centre
Hamilton Historical Board Minutes
Of note, the HHB is asking to be part of the new City website. As a citizen committee, this is not a surprise – citizen committees are asking to be allowed to be more transparent in their workings.
Amendments to Telecommunication Tower and Antenna Protocol
The City is now allowed to partially regulate cell phone towers that are less than 15 metres in height. The City is amending its bylaws to include public consultations periods for these type of tower.
Designation of Kenilworth Library (103 Kenilworth Avenue North) as a Heritage Building
Heritage Permit Application for the Demolition of an Existing Garage and Erection of a New Garage at 6 Victoria Street (Dundas)
A home located in the Cross-Melville Heritage Conservation District is looking to rebuild its garage. As it is located in a heritage district, Council approval is required.
*Note: Unlike the demolition of James Baptist Church, the Director of Planning does not consider this to be a “minor alteration” and the resident is required to await Council approval. *
Heritage Permit Application for 4 Griffin Street (Waterdown)
The property owner wishes to remove an existing garage, remove a metal shed, and build a fence. As the home is in the Mill Street Heritage District, a heritage permit approval is required and will be voted upon by Council.
*Note: Unlike the demolition of James Baptist Church, the Director of Planning does not consider this to be a “minor alteration” and the resident is required to await Council approval. *
Amendments to By-law No. 05-012 Designating 320 King Street East (Hamilton) under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
The building at 320 King Street East was designated under the Ontario Heritage Act in 2005, when it was considered to be one property with the neighbouring 316-318 King Street East – which is presently a men’s barber shop.
The property has been severed. The building at 316-318 King East does not have any of the heritage features of 320, and staff are seeking to change the designation to solely cover 320 King East.
The building with designation houses the International Village Antiques and Collectables.
Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMP) for Parking Infractions
It’s going to get harder to delay paying parking tickets in Hamilton as the City looks to launch its own traffic ticket court.
2007 changes to the Municipal Act allow cities to create an “Administrative Monetary Penalty System” to replace Provincial Offences courts.
Local Administrative Justice of the Peach Lillian Ross recently advised the City that parking trials will be reduced to one day per month, meaning the City will find it harder to collect fines for appealed tickets.
Under the AMP system, ticket appeals will be heard by a hearing officer and a decision rendered.
Tickets over $100 will continued to be heard by the Provincial Offences Court.
Staff estimate the cost of implementing AMP will be up to $150,000 and will not be operational until late 2015.
Condominium Conversion for 12 Proctor Boulevard, Hamilton
The owner of an existiing 34-unit rental apartment building wishes to convert to a condominium.
The building, in Ward 3’s Gibson Neighbourhood, is just south of King Street and offers a mix of bachelor, one, and two bedroom units.
None of the units are below market rate, the vacancy rate for apartments in Hamilton is not below 2%, and the City is of the opinion that the units may still be rented by new owners.
The conversion is recommended for approval.
“Fontana Gardens Phase 3”, Hamilton (Ward 8)
Staff recommend the approval of Phase 3 of a sub-division located southwest of the Linc and West 5th to include 35 new homes on a hectare site. The official plan calls for a density of 60 units per hectare.
620 South Service Road (Stoney Creek) (Ward 10)
Staff recommend the approval of a new parking lot for the Gateway Ice Centre on lands at 620 South Service Road.
Work Plan to Address Performance Audit Report 2013-14 – Unlicensed Businesses
After an internal audit estimated there at least 684 unlicensed business, staff were instructed to start licensing or shutting down these businesses.
Staff are asking to create a new enforcement officer position, and eliminate a parking control position to partially fund the position. The additional annual cost of $21,000 for salary will be found within the existing budget.
North Hamilton Community Health Centre
Ward 2 Councillor Jason Farr is moving to waive parkland dedication fees for the non-profit charitable organization’s planned greenhouse.