The Spectator’s Jeff Mahoney will be on the hot seat tomorrow at the Art Gallery of Hamilton following a controversial column he penned about an AGH fundraiser.
I don’t really know much about the AGH event and haven’t paid enough attention to the controversy to speak to it myself. (The whole high society beat doesn’t interest me)
I’m attending the event to learn exactly what complaints the AGH holds against Mahoney’s column – is it that he wrote what happened? (there are some in the media that sugarcoat or avoid uncomfortable truths), do they disagree with his interpretation of events at the fundraiser? or was he wrong?
The festivities begin at 3:30pm at the AGH in downtown Hamilton. Admission to the “show” is free and includes the opportunity to walk throughout all Gallery exhibitions for free. (I’m actually going to arrive early and take advantage of the freebie)
My BlackBerry is in for repair. If I’m able to get some free WirelessHamilton signal on my netbook, I’m be blogging the event.
Full event details are online.