This report card is much more detailed than the McGill Daily Column I mentioned earlier this week. There is plenty of reasons stated in the article for the ratings. I am cutting that out and just leaving the letter grade. Go over to the McGill Tribune for all the details.
Issue date: 12/5/06 Section:news
Students’ Society executives have been busy this semester, but what have they been up to and is it worth their increased stipends? Their feet are held to the fire in this seven piece report card. Slackers just might need a parent-teacher conference.
President Aaron Donny-Clark: C
VP Communications and Events Gill Prendergast: A-
VP Clubs and Services Floh Herra-Vega: B
VP External Max Silverman: B+
VP Finance and Operations Dave Sunstrum: B+
VP University Affairs Finn Upham: K (Must submit more work)
Council: C-