Updated Story
As expected, City Councillors voted down a proposal from Shoppers Drug Mart to redevelop their Main and Dundurn plaza location. However, the developer hints he’s about to make a new offer to City Council this fall.
Original Story
“The proposed development does not represent an example of transit oriented development that supports public transit and pedestrianism,” states City planning staff in their report calling on Council to reject a projected redevelopment of the Dundurn and King Shoppers Drug Mart / Tim Hortons plaza.
The proposed development is currently scheduled for an Ontario Municipal Board hearing that will begin on February 4, 2015.
Developers usually go to the OMB for non-decision when facing a Council vote against their project.
This vote gives Council the opportunity to take an official position on the developer to enable the City’s legal staff to properly represent the City at the OMB hearing.
The development was submitted to the City in August 2012, staff worked with the developer to make changes to the proposal and in August 2013 a revised concept plan was submitted. During this time, the new Urban Hamilton Official Plan was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board and most provisions of the new plan were implemented.
The new Strathcona Secondary Plan was completed and approved by Council in October 2013 – the new Secondary Plan meant the developer would have to seek an amendment for the proposed use as it involved larger townhomes than zoning provisions along Head Street.
On September 16, 2013, the developer appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, bypassing the public process at City Council, under the provision requiring Council to decided within 180 days of receiving a completed application.
The Plan
The plan is for a larger Shoppers Drug Mart behind the current smaller Shoppers, a moving of the Tim Hortons to the front of the property at King and Dundurn bordering the present bus stop, and the addition of eight town-home condominiums behind the Shoppers facing onto Head Street.
Transit Hub
The proposed development is not in keeping with the City’s vision for the transit hub, a factor in the staff recommendation to reject the proposal.
Further, it is already a major GO Transit bus stop.
Late in the Agenda
This item is the last public hearing item on the Planning Committee agenda and will likely not be heard until mid-afternoon.
Watch Live Coverage of Council’s Planning meeting on Tuesday starting at 9:30am