Expropriation - a new tool to address problem properties in Hamilton

Hamilton City Council voted yesterday to expropriate the City Motor Hotel. It’s a significant and precedent setting vote – it’s the first time our city government is using the expropriation process as a means to solve a property standards (crime) issue. Matt Jelly asked yesterday why the City is…

City voting on expropriation of crime hotbed City Motor Hotel

[![](http://blog.joeycoleman.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/City_Motor-300x222.png "City_Motor")](http://blog.joeycoleman.ca/2012/04/city-voting-on-expropriation-of-crime-hotbed-city-motor-hotel/city_motor/)City Motor HotelHamilton City Council is holding a special meeting tomorrow afternoon to vote on expropriating the now-infamous City Motor Hotel.The rundown landmark is a hotbed of criminal…

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board files demolition permit to level downtown administrative headquarters

DEVELOPING [![](http://blog.joeycoleman.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2432712144_b2cb49561f_z-300x200.jpg "Downtown Hamilton Education Centre")](http://blog.joeycoleman.ca/2012/04/hamilton-wentworth-district-school-board-files-demolition-permit-to-level-downtown-administrative-headquarters/2432712144_b2cb49561f_z/)A picture of the headquarters of the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board taken by Flickr user juggybiv during the H Magazine/HIStory + HERitage walk in…

Taking Hamilton to hell in a car

Hamilton’s civic leaders are driving our city into the ground with their “driveway-to-driveway” obsession. The latest example? The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board’s demand for a parking spot for each and every one of their administrative employees as a condition for staying downtown. Never mind the benefits to students…

A casino for Hamilton, look at all a casino has done for Brantford

Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina is exploring the possibility of a casino in Hamilton, reports [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/duncan-to-toronto-if-you-dont-want-the-casino-someone-else-will/article2392617/] The Globe and Mail. [![](http://blog.joeycoleman.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Las_Vegas_Strip1-300x213.png "Las_Vegas_Strip")](http://blog.joeycoleman.ca/2012/04/a-casino-for-hamilton-look-at-all-a-casino-has-done-for-brantford/las_vegas_…

Bratina critics - by jumping on casino issue now - give him a get-out-of-jail-free pass

Hamilton’s mayor is meeting later this month with the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Commission to explore the possibilities of a casino in Hamilton, The Globe and Mail revealed [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/duncan-to-toronto-if-you-dont-want-the-casino-someone-else-will/article2392617/] in their Thursday edition. The reaction of his critics to this meeting,…

Staff at Blackadar Continuing Centre in Dundas hold union certification vote

The Ontario Labour Relations Board ordered [http://canlii.ca/en/on/onlrb/doc/2012/2012canlii17111/2012canlii17111.html] a unionisation vote held at Dundas’ Blackadar Continuing Centre to be held yesterday, April 5th. CAW-Canada is seeking to represent all employees of the centre expect those ranked supervisor and above. Results are…

Journalists as robots: the latest chapter

The Sanctity of Journalism is challenged against by those annoying people that have options and bias – like humans are prone to do. The latest example of human employees being involved in civic life? Employees signing petitions for the recall of Wisconsin’s governor. None of the employees in question cover,…