Versioning Control challenges

I’m having some difficulty with version control on my posts. Due to a weird conflict was another plugin, copy errors were introduced into my posts due to a “mixing” of text between old and current versions. I’m hoping I’ve corrected this error and apologize for any confusion…

Hamilton City Solicitor questions work of Ontario's Ombudman's office

[box style=”box_gray” type=”download_box”]Download the electronic version of Mr. Barkwell’s report LS-12001 (Ontario Ombudsman) {1.75MB PDF} [] [/box] City Solicitor accuses Ombudman’s office of negligence…

Hamilton City Solicitor questions work of Ontario's Ombudman's office

[box style=”box_gray” type=”download_box”]Download the electronic version of Mr. Barkwell’s report LS-12001 (Ontario Ombudsman) {1.75MB PDF} [] [/box] City Solicitor accuses Ombudman’s office of negligence…

Hamilton City Council for January 11, 2011 (12-001)

Apologies to my readers for the shortness and lateness of this post. Swamped with open data emails this week. Hamilton City Council is holding their first meeting of 2012 tonight. The Agenda is available on the City website here: AGENDA […

Apples and Oranges: City Skating webpages vs. SkateHamilton

Which better serves Citizens looking for skating locations in Hamilton? These separate City of Hamilton webpages: [![]( "City_Hamilton_Indoor_Skating")](…

Update on HSR labour negotiations: Strike vote Sunday

The negotiations between the City of Hamilton and its public transit operators represented by the Amalgamated Transit Unit Local 107 remain stalled – a stalemate. There is no substantive movement in the negotiations – bus drivers have been without a contract since the beginning of 2011 – as neither side is able to…