Hamilton getting new stadium - north stands being demolished

Hamilton’s getting an entirely new football stadium. In a report provided [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=1WhPBdd1UHtXjFcbr6rsbnkSoxCNRXe8tVUxlW41DigypUak9x8mffxGBJoDH&hl=en] to Council by email late this afternoon, the City Manager’s office informed Council that (emphasis added by me): > In the Spring of…

Torontoist redesign

Torontoist is sporting a new look: http://beta.torontoist.com [http://beta.torontoist.com/] It’s a great design and moves Torontoist into the beginnings of HTML5 era. What stood out as significant for me personally is the move to WordPress from Movable Type. My heart remains with Movable Type,…

377 Shaver Rd Ancaster - likely the final post

I asked Hamilton’s Building Standards Division for additional information related to the Order to Comply issued after the fire at 377 Shaver Rd Ancaster. They confirm the building was in a very unsafe condition and suffered severe structural damage during the fire. The buildings roof and second floor were…

Velodrome report completion expected Friday

The City Manager’s office’s report on the Hamilton Pan Am velodrome, to be voted on by Council in committee on Monday, is not expected to arrive in the City Clerk’s office until Friday. Upon receipt at the Clerk’s office, the documents are distributed to Council. It…

377 Shaver Rd, Ancaster - Make Safe Order

The City of Hamilton Building Services Division released the field Order to Comply issued on August 13, 2011 requiring the property at 377 Shaver Rd in Ancaster be made safe following an early morning fire that day. Extensive damage resulted from the fire and the developer owning the property demolished…

Jack Layton: my recollections

Being a journalist is a great privilege for a citizen. One of the many privileges is meeting people and be fortunate enough to get to know them. Jack Layton was one of them. The following is some of my recollections of meeting him first as a citizen and then as…

377 Shaver Rd Ancaster: Fire and demolition update

The City of Hamilton dispatched their on-call building inspector to the property at 377 Shaver Rd in Ancaster early Saturday morning as a fire ravaged the historical stone Daniel Shaver House. The inspector arrived during the fire and could not assess building conditions until the Fire Department extinguished the fire.…