Word Cloud: Hamilton Mayor Bratina's State of the City breakfast speech

Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina delivered his annual “State of the City” speech on Monday, you can view the entire speech on the Cable 14 YouTube page. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiCxOzQLPiE] *The Hamilton Spectator *listed [http://www.thespec.com/news/business/article/485103--bratina-mulls-toronto-management-for-airport] a word frequency count in…

Word Cloud: Hamilton Mayor Bratina's State of the City breakfast speech

Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina delivered his annual “State of the City” speech on Monday, you can view the entire speech on the Cable 14 YouTube page. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiCxOzQLPiE] *The Hamilton Spectator *listed [http://www.thespec.com/news/business/article/485103--bratina-mulls-toronto-management-for-airport] a word frequency count in…

Invitation to TheSpec - join citizens in live streaming Council

I contacted The Hamilton Spectator Tuesday after they used a live video stream I was providing with other volunteers of Hamilton City Council meetings on their website Monday.Myself and the others providing the stream have requested The Spectator join us in providing the stream instead of using our work…

In case your wondering, he dances for Hamilton

The following article was originally published on OpenFile.ca He says he does it because he’s a born-again Christian who is moved by the gospel music he listens to on his MP3 player. And because he brings smiles to the faces of those he passes. Jed “The Dancing Guy”…

Personalities getting in the way at City Hall

**Update: **Mayor Bratina was at GIC on Monday. Ms. Peggy Chapman, his chief of staff, informed me Sunday at 9pm of this change in his schedule.Mayor Bob Bratina will be missing Monday’s special General Issues Committee meeting as he’s scheduled to be in Regina for theBig City…

Cleaning up my Google Reader

I’m cleaning up my Google Reader has I prioritize my feeds to reflect the topics and beats I presently cover. One of my folders held a large list of “student blogs” which collected the feeds of various post-secondary student bloggers. Looking at the list, I realized that as the…

Hamilton Tiger-Cats to make announcement at Chamber of Commerce

The Hamilton Tiger-Cats will be speaking at Hamilton’s Chamber of Commerce later this morning. The Tiger-Cats comments today will be the first time they’ve publicly spoke about the stadium since the City Council meeting of October 12. It is unknown what the Tiger-Cats will say at this point.…