When grown-ups left the room at the #GPC convention

I attended the Green Party of Canada Convention tonight wearing my “GlobeCampus hat” looking to write a story about the youth summit they are holding as part of the convention. At the same time as the youth summit, the motions workshops were underway. Motion workshops are when members of a…

68 years later, Dieppe haunts us still

Today marks the 68th anniversary of the controversial Second World War raid on Dieppe, France. (Wikipedia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieppe_raid]) The debate rages to this day – was it a worthwhile venture that saved lives in North Africa and Normandy or was it a slaughter orchestrated by the…

Banning WiFi in elementary schools

Last week, I received a news release from a group calling itself the Simcoe County Safe School Committee. (WiFi in schools is Very Dangerous for Children [http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/August2010/11/c9816.html]) I looked at the release and thought – okay, they have one expert who…

CFL lobbies Atlantic Federal Cabinet members

In the days leading up to the Pan Am decision, and only two days before the federal government intervened to veto a West Harbour stadium – a decision reversed less than 24 hours after becoming public knowledge – the Canadian Football League Commissioner met with senior Cabinet Ministers. While the topic of…

Hamilton City Council - Live

Hamilton City Council will meet Thursday to ratify their decision Tuesday to support a West Harbour Stadium for the Pan Am Games in 2015. Council voted [http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/823947] 12-3, with Brad Clark absent [http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/823818] at the Michael…

Live: Pro-East Mountain Pan-Am

I’m live at Carmen’s on Hamilton Mountain for the Ticat-Cats pro-East Mountain stadium rally. Twitter is down, I’m using CoverItLive. [Tiger-Cat Pro-East Mountain](http://www.coveritlive.com/mobile.php/option=com_mobile/task=viewaltcast/altcast_code=208fcb5aae)…

Surprise announcement - Ontario unis granted pension solvency relief

I was caught off guard by the announcement today that Ontario’s public universities are being granted pension solvency relief. I knew there were significant discussions occurring between the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities and the Ministry of Finance. I didn’t know that an announcement was imminent. The…

Andrew Baulcomb

My former Silhouette editor, and current colleague at The Hamilton Spectator, Andrew Baulcomb answered a few questions for the McMaster University public relations page “Daily News” early this week. The Q&A is posted online [http://dailynews.mcmaster.ca/story.cfm?id=6877]. Andrew’s an amazing journalist. His prose…