My first opera review

Last summer, my friend Sarah dragged me to a production of the Canadian Opera Company in Toronto. I’m glad she did, because it turned out – as much to my surprise as anyone – that I really enjoyed the opera. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I attended…

Am I the only one?

I fear admitting this, but I’m not the least bit interested in the Olympic games this year. Not too sure why this is. Maybe it is the overwhelming focus on winning at all costs that has turned me off from the Olympics. Reading my Twitter feeds tonight, I was…

Feeling better today

Today’s a good day. I haven’t really said that for a few weeks. I always feel exhausted during the January – February stretch. This year, I decided I would not engage in any travel during the month of February and this has helped greatly. Tonight, I’m going for…

Multi-ball II

University residences used to be about providing an affordable communal living environment for students. Today, Universities have turned them into profit centres on campus. Sure, there are common areas, but the idea is to give students has much private space as possible at the highest price possible. It should come…

Multi-ball I

Multi-ball is what I’m entitling posts with many unrelated thoughts and links. Yes, I’m using a pinball term. — When asked what I miss most about being an on-campus student at the University of Manitoba, I always answer the chapel at my home college. This year, the chapel [http:…

Reading fiction

For the first time that I can remember in my life, I’m reading fiction of my own free will. I’ve a prolific reader, I love reading, but I always read with a purpose and I see little purpose to reading fantasy. I’ve always been this way. I…

The return to Facebook

So, after much peer pressure, I’ve reactivated my Facebook account. I don’t intend to use the site as much as I used to and my use will be limited. No more sharing of my YouTube favourites, no more status updates, and no more uploading of photos. Many of…

Toronto Star runs article on Flight 253’s potential debris field

The Toronto Star ran a piece [] on this topic on Sunday. It did not appear in any of the Google searches I ran prior to posting my own piece entitled “Why the Canadian media is increasing irrelevant […