The Art of Headline: Mutually Assured Madness

A brilliant title for this week's episode of Radio Open Source Mutually Assured Madness [] on the increasing tensions between North Korea and the United States. This is, of course, a play on Mutually Assured Destruction [] the Cold War…

Just Sitting on Concession: The Sidewalk Sounds Blogpost

I write this posting sitting on the street parking space patio of Relay Coffee. In front of me, I have a large pour-over coffee, and 10 metres away - in front of the store - a classical guitarist providing the background ambience for a very relaxing evening. Hundreds of people…

The Keydboard Addsa Character

I have a small Bluetooth keyboard I absolutely love typing on. One problem, of late, it's been adding characters on me, and sometimes getting the order of the letters reversed. On my proofreads of posts, I often don't catch the typo. The typo isn't the result of my Dysgraphia, but…

The "Small World Encounter" University Campus Edition

Feature image credit: Mike Beauregard [], Replica of a 75 million year old "Archelon ischyros" from South Dakota, hanging in the Wallace Building on the University of Manitoba campus A quick stop on the McMaster campus today was a good reminder…

Ms. Mr. and My Mixed Use of Pronouns in My Speaking

A couple of months ago, I had my first request for the use of gender neutral pronouns. I used they/them/their. Tonight, at a meeting, I used the more formal Ms. [Last Name] to refer to someone with the goal of conveying the respect I have for them to…

The Greyhound Doesn't Go There Anymore

I love riding the bus, seriously. I sit back, read, relax, sleep, write, or just plain listen to podcasts. I couldn't imagine losing time to driving. Losing time to driving? What do you mean? I'm productive on a bus, but if I were driving, I couldn't do any of the…

Analog Public Clocks and New Build Retirement Buildings

Is it a trend anyone else is noticing? I'm noting that new build retirement apartments are including a functioning public analog clock as part of their design. It's not something I see in any other kind of building; is this the barber shop pole of retirement homes? A quick visual…