Why the Canadian media is increasing irrelevant

The big news story of the last few days was the terror attack against Northwest Airlines flight 253 on Christmas Day. It is yet another story that reveals why the Canadian media is becoming irrelevant. There hasn’t been much of a Canadian angle to the story published by our…

Shut up and let it snow

I’m a fan of The Ting Tings [http://www.thetingtings.com], so I generally like anything new they put out. They released a variation of their song *Shut Up and Let Me Go. *Not a big fan of it, but I’m going to share it anyway.…

The best physical gift I received this year

A big light blue towel in early April. I’ve always been one to prefer huge towels. I have a dark blue towel which I purchased from IKEA in early 2003 that is my favourite. It’s travelled with me across the country and became a bit of a trademark…

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-26

* Francophones less likely to see value in university education: http://tgam.ca/F5k #cdnpse [http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23cdnpse] # [http://twitter.com/JoeyColeman/statuses/6884761376] * Woman's groups making themselves heard about gender imbalance in higher ed. http://bit.ly/5BSFP7 and http://bit.ly/8bYHwz #cdnpse [http://search.…

Iggy’s coming to your city

Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff is looking to take a break from his troubles on Parliament Hill in the new year by returning to the ivory tower, sorta. No, he’s not leaving politics for the sanctuary of an academic posting, he’s going to visit 11 university campuses during…

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-19

* I'm at McDonald's again. It's a great study spot, probably shouldn't be tweeting and spreading the word. # [http://twitter.com/JoeyColeman/statuses/6816752987] * Only McGuinty can prevent college strike. My latest @globecampus: http://tgam.ca/F10 #cdnpse [http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23cdnpse] # [http://twitter.com/JoeyColeman/statuses/6811225712]…

Yes, I left Facebook

On Friday, I decided to leave Facebook for the month of December. Why? There are many reasons and none of these are protests against Facebook’s so called “improvements” to privacy. The primary reason is that I don’t know why I’m using Facebook anymore. I knew why I…

Missing the old Joey Coleman

I’m working on a story related to Oshawa continued anti-student posturing tonight. As part of my story, I’m reading all the coverage I did for *Maclean’s *and getting nostalgic. Erin Millar and I did an amazing job of covering higher education back in 2007 and 2008. She…