Hate crime at McMaster? I don’t believe so.

Hamilton Community Newspapers (a division of Metroland) ran a story last week entitled “Hate crime investigation up to attorney general [http://www.hamiltonmountainnews.com/news/article/135902]” which follows up the so-called “free speech rally” at McMaster University in the winter. The key passage in this article was the statement…

MSM inspired by students

We in the “Mainstream media” are somethings pack animals. This week, The Record [http://news.therecord.com/News/Local/article/382901] follows The Cord Weekly [http://www.cordweekly.com/cordweekly/myweb.php?hls=10034&news_id=1783]. (For the record, I had the same idea upon reading the article in…

More Spectator coverage of presidential contracts

The Hamilton Spectator ran multiple stories on presidential contract this past weekend. Here are the links: Universities to pay $8m to outgoing presidents [http://www.thespec.com/News/BreakingNews/article/396776] The fight for contract details [http://www.thespec.com/Local/article/401575] They also printed a beautiful chart comparing…

Bureaucratic red-tape results in student not recieving public health insurance

A recent Wilfrid Laurier graduate is unable to get public health insurance in Ontario due to bureaucratic red-tape resulting from a discrepancy between changed federal work-permit regulations and unchanged provincial public health insurance regulations, according to a report in The Record this morning [http://news.therecord.com/News/Local/article/…

Wow: I’m speechless

Somethings need no commentary, they speak for themselves. The following statement was sent to McMaster’s student newspaper The Silhouette by McMaster Students Union president Azim Kasmani referring to the revealing of McMaster president Peter George’s $99999/year for 14 years golden handshake [http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2008/…

The website better wipe my a@@ for me

The Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union is budgeting up to $165,000 to redesign their website, according to a report [http://www.cordweekly.com/cordweekly/myweb.php?hls=10034&news_id=1786] in The Cord Weekly. You know your collecting too much in student fees when….…

Why not mention the competition?

A great column today [http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/News/Columnists/Berton_Paul/2008/07/12/6138546-sun.html] in the London Free Press (which I “stole” the headline from) asking the same question many have been asking about The Globe and Mail’s coverage of university presidential contracts: why didn’t…