Windsor closes campus pub

The University of Windsor student pub is shutting down [] after losing it’s operating subsidy. This is a smart move. The modern campus is always short of good student space and funding for real student services. Hopefully, the USWA turns…

Tuition waivers for uni president’s children

Reading this article [] in the Prince George Citizenoutlining the contract of the UNBC president and some of the reasons for the departure of the previous UNBC president, I was struck by this sentence: “The Citizen has also learned UNBC agreed to…

North American Solar Car race starts today

The North American Solar Car [] race begins today in Texas. There are 6 Canadian teams in the field of 24 competing to win the race which ends on July 23 in Calgary. I’m not sure which team I should be cheering for. There’s…

Arbitrator’s ruling at St. Thomas U released

The Daily Gleaner reports [] that STU professors will have being teaching fewer classes and getting paid more next academic year following an arbitrator’s binding ruling. The faculty association and university administration agreed to arbitration after a month long strike/lock-out nearly cancelled…

No matter where they are, many student unions are the same

In New Zealand, the largest national student lobbying organization doesn’t particularly like [] opening it’s meetings to the media. There excuses sound oddly familiar to me too! ‘We need safe space’ and/or ‘not enough time to think about it’. Funny how…