Out of work student politician? SCSU has a job for you!

University of Toronto at Scarborough’s students union is looking to hire an interim student union president to fill the position for the remainder of the summer until a new election can be held in the fall. Again this year, there was a great deal of controversy surrounding the Scarborough…

File under nerdy things to do

This Tuesday is Firefox Download Day 2008. The new Firefox Version 3.0 will be released and the Firefox community hopes to smash the single day record for software downloading. Mark the day on your calendar and if you don’t use a calendar (archaic paper technology, you can visit…

USask student paper looks to increase fee

The University of Saskatchewan student newspaper The Sheaf [http://www.thesheaf.com/] is hoping [http://www.canada.com/saskatoonstarphoenix/news/story.html?id=40b5b6a7-89a5-47fb-929e-561c31200259] to increase their student levy to $6 per term from the present inflation indexed $3.36 per term. This amounts to $12 per academic year from…

Dr. Mugabe no more

The University of Massachusetts revoked [http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2008/06/13/umass_voids_honor_awarded_to_mugabe/] an honorary degree given to Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe. I doubt Mugabe will care – if any of his advisers are willing to risk telling him – when he finds out.…

Kangaroo courts (sorry marsupials) have a supporter

This shouldn’t come as a surprise: the man known in student politics circles as a Canadian Federation of Students lawyer, Donald Crane, supports [http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/editorial/story.html?id=5d71615a-1c4a-476f-8deb-cf83dc674d1b] B.C.’s Human Rights Tribunal. Yes, that Donald Crane. The one who argued [http:…

This is definitely a campus hazard

The University of the Phillippines – Diliman campus put out an advisory this week warning [http://www.upd-usc.net/2008/06/12/stray-world-war-ii-bombs-in-the-national-science-complex/] students about stray World War II bombs in the area of their under-construction science complex.…

Warning sign on the horizon for universities

Ontario’s government is creating [http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/May2008/30/c6444.html] a working group last week in response to declining enrolment in the province’s primary and secondary schools. Declining enrolment is problem for Ontario school board due to a funding model based on a…

Thoughts on the alleged COU fraud

I spent many hours today working on the story of how the Council of Ontario Universities was defrauded [http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2008/06/11/600000-allegedly-stolen-from-council-of-ontario-universities/] of over $600,000 by one employees. The COU is not releasing any details at this point, which I found frustrating. However, I…