Algoma University College becomes Algoma University

Move over University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Ontario has a new university on the block. The provincial government tabled legislation creating the province’s new university today. The Algoma University Act, 2008 [], will dissolve Algoma…

Ontario’s Government finally moving forward on Algoma University

A year ago, to great fanfare and with some pomp, Ontario’s Dalton McGuinty Liberal government announced [] that Algoma University College would transform into Algoma University. The NDP post-secondary education critic, pointing to the then-upcoming election, called it nothing more [http:…

The disappearing CUP story

A story published on the Canadian University Press newswire entitled Cape Breton still a member, says CFS []**was taken offline some point on Thursday or Friday. The story, according to the summary, was about the current station of the Cape Breton Students’…

Returning soon

My apologies. I’ve volunteered to support the national conference of the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of Canada which is being held in Hamilton. I thought I would be able to blog in between the work I am doing here. I’m nearing completion on a post about Ontario’s…

Announcement tomorrow on student financial aid

UPDATE: Here’s the details of the announcement:Feds to work with provinces on student loans [] Summary: Nothing new here, more talks, more potential plans, no student loan interest relief. The following went out on the wire late yesterday afternoon:———————————————————————————–May…

When students vote, they can get results

A 21-year old University of New Brunswick student recently won a seat on Fredericton’s next city council, according [] to The Chronicle Herald. The student won in an area with high town-gown tensions. If the situation in Fredericton is similar to other university towns,…

Dogs and Tasers used to break up student party

Police in Middletown, Conn. used dogs and tasers to break up an year-end party involving Wesleyan University students. Alison Go at USNewssummarizes [] the story. She notes reports that a student was sent to hospital for treatment of multiple dog…

Brantford - The Education City?

I think there’s an interesting post-secondary education story in Brantford Ontario. The city, known as *The Telephone City, *is located 93km west and has a population of around 90,000. The city is not a suburb of Toronto and is poorly linked by public transit to Toronto. The city…