Undecided on Ontario’s new travel grants

The Ontario government announced [http://www.premier.gov.on.ca/news/Product.asp?ProductID=2117&Lang=EN] some details about its new travel grants for post-secondary students from rural or northern communities, which were announced recently with the provincial budget. But from the government is saying so far, I’m…

The UBC kids can only wish they were this cool

At Michigan State University, the police used teargas and flashbangs [://www.statenews.com/index.php/article/2008/04/cedar_fest_crowds_disipate_by_about_3] to disperse a student riot. Not only that, 6 students managed to get themselves suspended [http://www.statenews.com/index.php/article/2008/04/6_…

A good reason I’m not a firefighter

Other than the fact that I hate heat and can barely lift my textbooks, I have little patience for people getting in the way of firefighters. Last weekend’s events [http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2008/02/06/deny-deny-deny/] at UBC are the perfect example of why you don’t…

The McMaster Students Union: "Leaders in student democracy"

Yesterday was the last day of classes at McMaster University in Hamilton. The GO train I was on was busier than usual with many students travelling home and not returning to the McMaster campus until the days of their exams. The McMaster Students’ Union is taking advantage of this to…

The perils of commuting by public transit

I am attending the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance Partners in Education Dinner [http://www.ousa.on.ca/uploaded_files/OUSA_Invite_revised.pdf] in Toronto tonight. The dinner begins at 7:00pm. Getting from Hamilton to Toronto during rush is a bit of a challenge as one is "reverse commuting"…