Police Brutality - please

A group of radicals decided to split off [http://thevarsity.ca/article/2845-occupation-is-a-crime-] from a protest against a “20 per cent residence fee increase” at the University of Toronto Friday. (The university claims the increase in question is only “closer to 10 per cent”, I’m looking into this. There…

Simon Fraser students vote to leave CFS

I have received very preliminary numbers from voting at Simon Fraser Union on continuing their membership in the Canadian Federation of Students.The preliminary numbers I received are 2928 votes to leave the CFS and 1462 votes to stay.Updated preliminary numbers, Total Votes: 4442, Votes to leave the CFS:…

UVic Grads vote for independence from the CFS

The University of Victoria Graduate Students’ Society has voted to leave the Canadian Federation of Students. The results were put online and are: Question: Are you in favour of maintaining membership in the Canadian Federation of Students? **No: 260 (63%) **Yes: 192 Spoiled: 5 (Quorum was 125 votes) —– Counting continues…

Maclean’s Guide to Canadian Universities - what I think’s important

The latest Maclean’s Guide to Canadian Universities [https://m1.buysub.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10851&storeId=10851&productId=194360&langId=-1&parent_category_rn=10077&sourcekey=M7WA01W03] is now on newsstands. It is packed with all kinds of information and charts to assist in the important…

Simon Fraser Voter Turnout is high

I just spoke to the Chief Electoral Officer of the Simon Fraser Students Society Independent Electoral Commission. He informs me that over 1600 students vote yesterday on the first day of the vote on independence from the Canadian Federation of Students. By comparison, this is the same number of people…

UPass costs

The staff of the City of Hamilton presented a report to the city’s Public Works Committee at the beginning of February on the Hamilton UPass. According to the report [http://www.myhamilton.ca/NR/rdonlyres/1BB06134-8858-41D4-ADD6-8AAB23092EBE/0/Feb04PW07101a.pdf] , "The average cost per year of most [UPass] programs tends…

Why does China get a free pass?

Am I the only one wondering why the Toronto "student unions" are silent on the oppression of the Tibetan people? Come on folks, if the United States, Canada, and Israel are all human rights monsters, then how is China not?…

The Toronto UPass scheme

The Toronto Transit Commission is trying to sell [http://marketwirecanada.com/mw/release.do?id=834012&k=] students on a $720 a year mandatory U-Pass. The pass will be mandatory for all 150,000 part and full-time university students in Toronto if the TTC gets it’s way. It will…