Universities under fire for buying ads to thank government for funding

Ryerson University and the University of Toronto are under fire from the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations after placing advertisements thanking the Ontario government for recent funding announcements. Ryerson placed advertisements in the National Post, The Globe and Mail, and Toronto Star a month ago following the announcement [http:…

Budget 2008 fails First Nation post-secondary students

While I was in Ottawa last week, I took the opportunity to ask Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, about the First Nations Technical Institute issue [http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2008/02/12/whos-responsible-for-native-education/] . Basically, the federal government recently cut funding to the institution (that offers…

York gets it…

York University’s vice-president students says, in a letter [http://www.nationalpost.com/scripts/story.html?id=353681] to the National Post, that York University considers the actions [http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2008/03/04/you-cant-say-that/] of the York Federation of Students in cancelling a debate last Thursday "regrettable.…

Want to save money on tuition?

Are you willing to take 8:30am classes in order to do so? If you answered yes, there’s an university for you [http://media.www.keeneequinox.com/media/storage/paper537/news/2008/02/21/News/Ksc-Students.Taking.Early.Morning.Classes.Could.See.Drop.In.Tuition-3222331.shtml] . I really like…

Is there really a rape crisis on campus?

This provocative article [http://www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-op-mac_donald24feb24,0,7505563.story] from the L.A. Times says there is no crisis, it is merely a creation of those with an agenda to push. While, I don’t actually agree with the article, it does make a good…

So you want to be president?

Great, now go read this [http://sfuo.blogspot.com/2008/03/how-to-win-presidential-by-election.html]… Your back? Go read it again [http://sfuo.blogspot.com/2008/03/how-to-win-presidential-by-election.html]……

You know your campaign is over

when you get hit with back [http://www.thegatewayonline.ca/samuel-disciplined-by-die-board-20080214-1886.html] -to-back [http://www.thegatewayonline.ca/samuel-stung-by-die-board-again-updated-20080304-2024.html] J-Board rulings and the resulting negative [http://www.thegatewayonline.ca/bungling-bobby-not-fit-to-lead-20080206-1848.html] publicity. (In this case, mixed [http://www.thegatewayonline.ca/even-bad-candidates-have-a-positive-impact-on-democracy-20080303-1990.html] publicity) One thi…

What a preventable tragedy

The fire in Hamilton Ontario which claim the lives of five people, included three children may not have been fatal if there were [http://thespec.com/News/BreakingNews/article/334434] working fire alarms installed in the house. The fire occurred only two blocks from my home. Many people in the…