N.S. Liberals call for free medical school tuition

The Liberal Party of Nova Scotia is calling for a program that would encourage medical school grads to stay in the province after graduation. The initiative would provide funding to pay for students’ tuition and some living costs in exchange for five years of service. Funding would be available to…

Photo essay: McMaster’s Israel Apartheid Rally

McMaster University was the scene of a boisterous rally today as pro-Israel and pro-Palestine took to the microphone to condemn or support Israel. The event wasn’t good or bad – at least it didn’t break down into a physical confrontation. The “after-rally” was very hardline. Even this was kept…

Quebec cracks down on ancillary fees

The Quebec government announced [http://www.mcgilldaily.com/view.php?aid=7095] a cap on extra fees charged to students on top of tuition. The move is intended to monitor ancillary fees at universities and close loophole that allowed universities to raise fees despite strict regulation of tuition costs. Education…

Budget 2008: Millennium Foundation to be replaced

A decade after it was created, the Canadian Millennium Scholarship Foundation will be replaced by a new needs-based, non-repayable grant program to be called the Canada Student Grant Program. The Conservative government says that, after a year-long review of student aid, it found the Foundation had limited success in encouraging…

BUDGET 2008: That’s it?

The 2008 federal budget had been widely expected to contain several major initiatives in higher education, but what the Conservative government delivered on Tuesday was instead a modest tinkering with the status quo, with some additional money for research, and housekeeping changes at two major student aid programs. Finance Minister…

Budget 2008: No interest rate cut for Canada Student Loan borrowers

After a year long review, the Conservative government announced only administrative changes to the Canada Student Loans Program in the 2008/09 federal budget. Although sources close to government expected an interest rate cut, the Conservative government did not set student loan interest at prime. The federal rate will remain…

Post-secondary recruitment in isolated or disadvantaged communities

The *Hamilton Spectator *ran a story [http://thespec.com/Entertainment/article/329367] on Saturday about a recruitment trip by Hamilton’s Mohawk College [http://www.mohawkcollege.ca] to Moose Factory [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moose_Factory,_Ontario] in northern Ontario. The story itself is very interesting. It is also…

News release of the year

Colleges Ontario [http://www.collegesontario.org/] put out a news release [http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/February2008/25/c5551.html] at 11am this morning about its "Obay" viral marketing campaign. The campaign involves advertisements for a fictional mind-control medicine which stops young people from thinking for themselves. The…