Powerful photo from Housing Not War protest

The Torontoist site did a photo essay about Thursday’s "Housing Not War" protest in Toronto. The lead photo is very powerful [http://torontoist.com/2008/02/phototo_housing.php]. Each time I look at it and it forces me to think about the issue. Hamilton, my hometown, and Toronto…

Getting good at predicting CFS litigation

I wrote the other day that the Canadian Federation of Students* (or Canadian Federation of Students – British Columbia or Canadian Federation of Students – Services) likes to play a game of semantics. My exact words were [http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/2008/02/06/so-much-for-being-a-student-movement/] : > * (CFS legal threats usually revolve around…

A little tearful navel gazing

Education reporters are becoming an endangered species, according [http://chronicle.com/temp/reprint.php?id=7j8vcs5d2rhkmqxfv23w9010mlwsdthn] to the Chronicle of Higher Education. A recent commentary lamented cutbacks to higher education staff at newspapers and makes a case for sparing the beat when facing difficult funding and coverage decisions. The article…

Final vote on Oshawa housing bylaw tonight

Oshawa City Council is holding a special meeting tonight where they are expected to pass a controversial bylaw targeting student housing. The bylaw is the result of a rough year of town-and-gown conflicts that culminated in police raids on student houses in the fall. The new proposed bylaw would limit…

So much for being non-partisan

Rachel Heinrichs [http://www.umsu.ca/index.php?section_id=23], when not "representing students" at the University of Manitoba Students’ Union is a member of the governing party’s executive [http://todaysndp.mb.ca/new07/node/59] . In a clash between her party and students, which side does she…

Day of Action one year later ….

The CFS wonders why its campaigns have difficulty in succeeding? It may have something to do with them being a lot like a flash, it is all you see for one second, there is a lingering “spot” in your eye for a few seconds and then it is done. Come…

Campus Lockdown at Sheridan College

Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario is presently locked down following reports of a gunman on campus. Police received reports of a man with a long gun who was seen ducking into a building on campus. A man was arrested and taken into custody by police but released this afternoon. The…

$19.5 million to University of Waterloo for green products research

The Ontario government announced $19.5 million in funding for research projects at the University of Waterloo on Friday. The funding is split among four projects, one of which is the development of more environmentally friendly, fuel-efficient and cost-effective vehicles. $8.7 million will be directed to the “green car”…