Pokemon in Gore Park, Saturday Night, 11pm

Downtown was alive with young people when I walked in Gore Park around 11 p.m. Saturday night. It wasn’t a concert or some official special event, a group of young people had gathered to play Pokemon. [![Gore Park, Saturday July 16, 11pm](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/…

Congrats to Dr. Disc on 25 years, Mark, You're An Inspiration

Hamilton’s great independent music/record store Dr. Disc is celebrating 25 years of operation. Think about that for a second, they opened in 1991 only two years before home dial-up Internet was available in Hamilton, in a decade which saw the introduction of peer-to-peer file sharing popularized with Napster,…

Water Your Trees During Hamilton's Dry Summer Season

An engaged civic leader brought a good point to my attention today – the City is losing many young trees to the dry weather and will have to replant them at taxpayer expense in future years. The issue is even more important with the loss of Ash Borer trees. Many Hamiltonians…

London Free Press to Print in Hamilton, A Sad Day

The* London Free Press*, a paper I read as a kid in the 80s and 90s while visiting my grandfather, will no longer print in London. My biggest concern is what this means for the quality of the publication with a print deadline which must account for shipping of the…

The Amazing Commencement Name Reader

Featured today inInside Higher Ed is a fun little story and YouTube video of Hamilton College Dean of Faculty Pat Reynolds reading names during commencement. From the article [https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/05/23/hamilton-dean-has-special-commencement-skill-reading-names-graduates-speed-and] : > Its dean of the faculty, Pat Reynolds, has been timed, and he reads…

Prestigious and Other Overused Words

Public trust in journalism is beyond broken, it is basically non-existent. To be effective, journalism must secure the trust of a super-majority of the public, a bare majority is not enough. Which brings me to one of the reasons I don’t trust journalism, the overuse of adjectives such as…