Fine for Abusing Police Horses - $250 or $1000, which is appropriate?

[![Photo by Paul Herman, CC-BY-SA-NC](]( by Paul Herman, CC-BY-SA-NCHow much should the City fine idiots in Hess Village for attacks against police horses?This was one of…

Live: City Manager Chris Murray to Address BARC on Randle Reef [7:30pm]

[![Environment Canada test pilings at Randle Reef (EC photo)](]( Canada test pilings at Randle Reef (EC photo)Hamilton City Manager Chris Murray will address the…

Council GIC for June 23, 2014

City Council is meeting as GIC starting at 9:30am today.They will address a request from Theatre Aquarius for the defunct Opera Hamilton’s $71,000 City grant, a new bylaw to protect urban woodlots, a series of motions on the cost-benefit for LRT vs. BRT & A-Line vs. B-Line,…

Ticats Highway Sign Could See Overthrown of City-Wide Sign Bylaw

[![Photo by Ian Muttoo, Licensed CC-BY, hosted on Flickr:](]( by Ian Muttoo, Licensed CC-BY, hosted on Flickr:…

Political Upsets, Media Narratives, and Local Journalism

The upset defeat of US Republican Party House Leader Eric Cantor is one of the most fascinating political stories of the past decade in the United States, the first time a sitting House Leader has been defeated in a primary. It’s all the more surprising to fly-over observers of…