Will Hamilton Become A Sanctuary City? Emergency & Community Services Committee

Will Hamilton City Council formally declare Hamilton a Sanctuary City?This is the big question in front of Council’s Emergency & Community Services Committee today as a motion moved [http://www.hamilton.ca/NR/rdonlyres/FDD884F4-9872-494C-A323-673E3A1E893A/0/Feb1081CES14003.pdf] by Ward 1 Councillor (and Mayoral candidate) Brian McHattie to declare…

General Issues Committee for February 5, 2014 [Replay]

Council meets today to start the formal process of declaring the Ward 3 Council seat vacant, hear public delegations on the Farmers’ Market and workplace safety, receive the latest Neighbourhood Action Plans, and introduce a new task force to address brownfields.Live coverage begins at 9:30 a.m.…

Hamilton Public Works for February 3, 2014 [ Replay ]

Council’s Public Works Committee’s agenda for their first February meeting is a short one. The most notable item is an update on the idea of the City clearing sidewalks city-wide. Also of note, a delegation request from John Vesprini returning to speak about the continuing flooding issues on…

Join Me at SoupFest on Tuesday!

[https://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1384139_609910269051734_1201460483_n.png] Living Rock Ministries annual must-attend fundraiser, Soupfest, is being held this Tuesday at the Hamilton Convention Centre. Featuring Hamilton’s best restaurants showing off their best soups, the event is the place for foodies. I’ll be helping…