Hamilton Getting a First-Class Bike Share, Hits the Road in April

Barring any big surprises, Hamilton’s getting a first-class bike share program this spring. An information report [http://www.hamilton.ca/NR/rdonlyres/97FA9752-3B90-436F-8708-A663661B5B29/0/Dec0283PW13015b.pdf] to be received by the Public Works Committee on Monday provides the details. [![Concept Map from RFP process](http://www.joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/…

Madeleine Levy Renewed for Second Term on Hamilton Police Services Board

The provincial government renewed Madeleine Levy as a citizen appointee on the Hamilton Police Services Board for a second three-year term. Levy’s original appointment expired at the beginning of November, and was extended for 30 days, prompting questions about the seat [http://www.joeycoleman.ca/2013/11/06/madeleine-levys-term-on-police-board-extended-30-days/…

McMaster Students and HSR reach new UPass Agreement

Proposals includes new late night service from campus and Hess Village, students must approve in referendum. The McMaster Students Union is reporting they’ve reached an agreement with the HSR to renew the UPass enjoyed by undergraduate students. [module type=”aside” align=”right” width=”quarter”] **Story Updates**- MSU cost…