"Accountability and Transparency Committee" for September 30, 2013

This Article is Superceded by “Hamilton’s new “Lobbyist Registry”, Brought to You By “Accountability and Transparency”” [http://www.joeycoleman.ca/2013/09/30/hamiltons-new-lobbyist-registry-brought-to-you-by-accountability-and-transparency/] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Council’s “Accountability and Transparency” Committee meets Monday. Their agendas are not publicly available and are only released upon formal request. Livestream starts a…

HWDSB Starts Process of Closing or Consolidating Schools in West Flamborough. First Meeting Wednesday.

[![HWDSB Enrolment Projections for West Flamborough](http://www.joeycoleman.ca/wpfix/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Clipboard031.jpg)](http://www.joeycoleman.ca/wpfix/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Clipboard031.jpg)HWDSB Enrolment Projections for West Flamborough[West Flamborough’s elementary school closure process](http://www.hwdsb.on.ca/elementaryarc/west-flamborough/) enters its…

HWDSB Starts Process of Closing 1 or 2 East Hamilton Elementary Schools. First Meeting Thursday.

[![HWDSB Enrolment Projections for East Hamilton](http://www.joeycoleman.ca/wpfix/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Clipboard03.jpg)](http://www.joeycoleman.ca/wpfix/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Clipboard03.jpg)HWDSB Enrolment Projections for East Hamilton[The East Hamilton elementary school closure process](http://www.hwdsb.on.ca/elementaryarc/east-hamilton-city-area-1/) enters its…

Coverage of HWDSB School Closures Process: My Committment to You

During the next few months, the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board will undergo the process of determining which elementary schools it will close. I will provide the best coverage that I can within the resources. Coverage Plan Here’s what I commit to doing: * Inform you of each public meeting as…

Hamilton Lagging on Open Data Thesis Research Finds

Liam Currie’s Masters Thesis “The Role of Canadian Municipal Open Data Initiatives: A Multi-City Evaluation” explores the state of Canadian municipal open data initiatives. Currie studied 23 cities across the country and published his 247 page thesis online. It’s a good read for anyone interested in open data…

Heads up: Time Off in October

My plan to take 48 hours off [http://www.joeycoleman.ca/2013/09/24/heads-up-taking-a-few-hours-off-later-this-week/] this week were scuttled by the surprise demolition permit [http://www.joeycoleman.ca/2013/09/26/heritage-permit-review-committee-tables-james-street-baptist-church-demo-permit-until-october-9th/] for James Street Baptist Church. To avoid exhaustion and/or burnout, I’m taking full 9 hours blocks…