Updated 20 times, last update: 1813GMT 30 Oct 06
I am awaiting any word from Simon Fraser on their SGM that occurred today. I have not received anything yet. Anyone with information, you can anonymously comment on my blog using the comments feature. I have been able to find one mention of it online. (Look at the updates) A student has blogged the following: Far Away From Home: SGM. The only problem is that it is not in English and I am unable to read it. They do, however, post a picture. It looks like there are people on the balcony to the left. This indicates a good chance there were a lot of people there. Possiblity even quorum. The picture is here: http://tkfiles.storage.msn.com/x1pN1mp8dKYgTHo6gpTfVekVtPnFVoxehfQud5ds89GLoiE3c8GTuM1SKU5TTzZLX_aIeoH5V3hu1s1T7AyEGMY52L_mNmoEJrLG0572Mot1oYTtY2LApFkTQ
Anything more, you will see me either link to it or post it first.
Update 13: SFSS Democracy Now has an amazing post-
SGM Debrief and Aftermath (also the title of their post)
I was able to get a online translation. It is not good at all. Frankly it is very poor. I am only able to get a few key points:
- There were over 700 students. (They met quorum)
- It was cold and rainy
Update 2:
There is a post on the Computing Science Student Society (Simon Fraser) Forum that states members of the G7 were sabotaging the posters of the Special General Meeting yesterday: http://csss.cs.sfu.ca/forum/read.php?20,3399,page=2
Update 3:
The SGM has impeached the “G7”, this according to SFSS Democracy Now! Congratulations to the students of Simon Fraser who have stood for an accountable SU . The “G7” even showed up. I am really hoping for some YouTube or audio to appear. It should be very interesting to see what is said. Clearly, they realized that student democracy is legimate since they showed up.
Update 4 (and 7 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 14 & 15 & 16 & 17 & 18):
Students are starting to react on their blogs:
- http://marcusontheroad.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!5C9864A505375EE2!231.entry
- http://technicolor-62.livejournal.com/23263.html (interesting that her class voted to leave their tutorial to attend SGM)
- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/blueils&article_id=6191429 (in Chinese?)
- http://qaavigaaq.blogspot.com/2006/10/sgmwoot-woot.html
- http://chani.wordpress.com/2006/10/26/i-still-exist/ (first mention of potential lawsuits I have read so far, does not expect the “G7” to respect the decision of students today)
- http://www.studentunion.ca/2006/10/special-general-meeting-successful-for.html (Titus Gregory has an extensive post into the issue. He is chair of the SFSS Forum. He notes that the G7 do not consider the vote to be valid and that this is likely heading to the courts.) (I wonder if the CFS will be providing legal counsel to the G7, of course the CFS’s favourite lawyer is already representing them at student expense)
- http://baconbagelnobacon.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!5440DC7E843EE708!954.entry (A good post. I am very impressed by his posting a link to an article written by one of the “G7” complaining about SFU not being a radicial campus which was written in May 2006. Little did they know that when you act with complete disregard for the rules and waste students money, that people get radical.)
- Nicholas Schmid’s Note on Facebook
- Jenn – Genevieve’s space: History in action at SFU
- awake : to : dream >> “See Democracy in Action: Now with Free Food! (the title references the G7 Posters trying to get people to go to an AGM instead of the SGM)
- Beyond Robson: SFU Students Impeach their Board of Directors (Good Para: “The fun isn’t over yet, as the Group of Seven have called the meeting “illegal” and will most likely spend more student funds dragging the issue through the courts. In my humble opinion, when a record number of students come out to impeach your ass, it’s pretty arrogant to keep fighting to stay in office.”)
- Bryan on MySpace
- lil_titch
- Lemon Watermelon
- All Good Things
- Ferocious Gun: SGM: The Aftermath
- His Random Thoughts: “we made history”
- Music, Heart and Soul: Yer Outta Here
- Tisk Tisk Miss Menzies: SGM Rocks my World
- dbwn87: A+
- Jenn has more thoughts entitled “Time for Change”
- history was made
- Metroblogging Vancouver: SFU Student Society Impeachment Movement
Update 5 (and 8 & 20):
Students are also posting
their photos of the event:
- [http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=blueils&book=10&page=1](http://www.wret
ch.cc/album/album.php?id=blueils&book=10&page=1 "http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=blueils&book=10&page=1") - http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulman/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/aleszcz/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/40826399@N00/
- http://www.pot-d.com/archives/2006/10/sfu_sgm.html
Update 6 (and 16):
Here is a picture of the vote to impeach:
The photo is from the Flickr page of “Paulman” at http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulman/ I assume that the photo credit goes to him as well. He (the photographer) has his own blog and has a post linking to all his pictures: http://www.xanga.com/Jacmert/541510279/photos-from-the-sfss-special-general-meeting.html
All I can say is “Wow”. That is democracy in action.