The Hamilton Spectator reports today on the cost overruns (officially called underestimations) on the new stadium at McMaster. Cost overruns are becoming standard at McMaster.
Anyway, the University says that the cost overruns will be covered by fundraising not students. What they fail to mention is that the 9 million coming out of fundraising is likely going to be coming from donors who give funds without restriction to the University. These are funds that would have otherwise gone into bursaries, grants, …. OH WAIT, this is McMaster so it would not have gone to students anyway… it would have gone into research and other priorities of administration. Okay, students are not going to lose cause we were not going to see this kind of money directed to student needs.
Dang, there went the point of my post that students are going to pay one way or another. Oh well.
The Spec story is here:…