What Was I Saying Earlier About Student Newspapers?

Oh yeah, that is right… The Sil’s claim that they are the largest and best student newspaper in the country.
Today, many student newspapers published their first editions. Most of them did not have staff paid over the summer. The Sil Editor-in-Chief is the highest paid student Editor-in-Chief in the country and gets paid all summer. Despite this, the Sil is one of the few papers in the country to not publish today. This despite tens of thousands of dollars in new computers (which were needed for sure) and new office furniture. Now if you go to the Sil website: http://www.thesil.ca, you will notice it has only been updated four times since January! This despite having a web editor position. Now, okay, it can be a little hard to update a website cause websites are such a new cutting edge thing and the “best” newspaper in the country is having a hard time with this whole internet thing. Of course, if you do not know HTML, you can always just upload the PDF file of the newspaper printed. Oh wait, the Sil cannot do that.
Anyway, here are the links for students newspapers that have already updated themselves with Frosh Welcome Week Editions:

There are probably more that I somehow missed but one gets the point.
Oh yeah, the latest in the rumour mill at McMaster University is that the Sil Editor-in-Chief is planning to run for MSU President, not his politicial ally the MSU Vice-President Education. Of course, it will be one of them. It is just which. So far, I have heard of 5 candidates. It looks like it will be an interesting year in student politics at Mac.