Queen's Gambit - Filmed in Hamilton and Berlin

During my visit to Berlin Germany in December 2019, I enjoyed a brief tour of the Old City Hall. (Cause, if you are me, an Old City Hall is what you go to see). During the tour, we entered Bear Hall which was set up for filming of some upcoming…

A Collection of Thoughts, Because This is My Blog

It's the evening of Halloween 2020, in the middle of a pandemic. This means I'm doing the same thing I do nearly every other night of this damn pandemic - sitting at my computer (actually standing, I have one of those desks now). I spend much of my time these…

NYT Piece on Small Theatres

The revival of small, often one screen, theatres in the past few years has been something to celebrate in communities across English North America. Hamilton has seen the revival of the Westdale [https://thewestdale.ca/] and the Playhouse [https://playhousecinema.ca/]. (Sadly, the Zoetic did not survive 2019 - it…

Open Courts and Living Rooms Visible Due to Video Conferencing

Video hearings is how the courts and adjudicative bodies (and municipal councils etc) function now to the pandemic. There are many access and privacy issues with this. Adjudicator Ian Mackenzie provides a good summary of this in a piece published on Slaw this morning [http://www.slaw.ca/2020/10/…

Stardust Trailer - Scenes filmed in Hamilton

A friend sent me a link for the trailer of a new David Bowie biographical film titled "Stardust" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U82heDabn5k&feature=youtu.be] , asking where some of the scenes were shot in Hamilton.  [Wikipedia article on the film [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stardust_(2020_…