Filling My Mind With Ideas, and Becoming More Socially Awkward in the Process

I'm been reading many books of late, more so than I usually do, in a mix of personal interest readings and books I hope will improve my understanding of the current state of society as I prepare to cover the 2018 municipal election.

I'm aware of my responsibility to provide great issues based coverage during the critical 2018 election.

Here's the side effect, because I'm reading so much, I'm nearly always thinking about the readings while I'm walking from point to point.

At times, I've been surprised and socially awkward as I'm switched from the thinking in my mind to the conversation I'm having.

I'm generally socially awkward - outside of professional settings - to begin with. I'm just a little more now.

Don't hesitate to stop me and say hello. In fact, when random people stop me to thank me for your work, it does much to inspire me to continue.

I'm mostly writing this post to say, sorry for being so awkward.
