It is finally all coming together in my personal life.
School is improving and I am being very productive in my studies.
My mental health is stronger and my depression is mostly under control. I still have my bad days, but there are fewer and further between.
My physical health is good. Had a few rough days the last weekend but nothing really worth this sentence.
My part-time job is tough these days and there is always the risk of layoffs. I have survived the last few rounds of layoffs and do not have the seniority to survive another round.
I have managed to reconcile with an old friend who became my enemy. It was nice to find an understanding with him and for us to realize some of the misunderstandings that have occurred.
I write this post on my Blackberry while riding the GO bus to Mississauga for an evening out with friends.
Today may mark another watershed positive moment, only time will tend if my optimism and dedication to this goal is rewarded.