I Love The CFS - Part Two

I love the CFS, I am pretty sure that is what they want me to say.

I am not the only one that they are showing the love to recently. A student journalist made the mistake of talking about the CFS in a local newspaper. The article is available here (I take no responsibility nor do I endorse the contents {have to cover my @$$ in case the CFS sues me} of this link): A Political Beast by Jeffery Simpson.

In what is becoming normal CFS fashion of late, a letter was sent to the publication by the CFS’s lawyers (at student expense) to *eVent! *which is a small paper in B.C.

The student mentioned how this (the CFS’s lawyer letter) is a real headache for a student to deal with on his blog (I take no responsibility nor do I endorse the contents {have to cover my @$$ in case the CFS sues me} of this link): that ring of confidence: The lawyer letter

He follows up the story on his briefly on his blog at the end of March. He successfully prove to his paper that he article was accurate and the paper posted it back on the tubes (I take no responsibility nor do I endorse the contents {have to cover my @$$ in case the CFS sues me} of this link): http://www.jefferysimpson.net/a_month_of_testing/2007/03/quick_hits_from.html

He also move the discussion over to Metroblogging Vancouver which has been covering the DSU scandal pretty much from the start (I take no responsibility nor do I endorse the contents {have to cover my @$$ in case the CFS sues me} of this link): http://vancouver.metblogs.com/archives/2007/03/the_dead_letter_bins_old_issue.phtml

As I said, I love the CFS. No one else provides so many stories for so many reasons!

Hey, I have a question for the CFS: “The CFS lobbying for lower student fees, yet increases their fees every year. Do you believe that the CFS should cut their legal budget, and use this substantial amount of money to reduce CFS fees paid by students?”