How Do I Respond to Radical "Populism" Which Exploits Social Angst

The rise of extremist is distressing. Good people, people I know have lost their way, are vacuumed into extremist. Why? It promises a relief valve to the angst of precarity which inflicts the working class and marginalized people in our society. The purity and simplicity of extreme ideologies fulfilling a…

Have You Not Driven in Snow Before?

I finally did it, I finally had a complete uncontrolled wipe-out on a Sobi Bike. The wipeout was entirely of my own fault and doing. It was a light steady snow today, the kind that makes roads slippery and covered in slush. There's just enough snow on the ground to…

Jeff Jarvis on The Spiegel Scandal

A good take from Jeff Jarvis on the scandal at one of Germany's flagship The Spiegel following the revelations that the news magazine's top reporter, Claas Relotius, was a serial inventor of stories - a fraud [] . He was the CNN Journalist…

On Forgetting People from High School

It's happening more often, I'm encountering people I went to high school with, but no longer remember. It's been over 15 years, and this should be expected. Nonetheless, each time it happens, I feel guilty about not remembering. We're now at the stage in our lives where a few people…

It's Easier to Write About Others, Than It is Ourselves

My biography half-jokes that I write in "first person to ensure you can see my bias – I tend to like myself". I wrote that in part to make light of my discomfort with writing about myself. A discomfort that I was reminded of the past few weeks as I've been…

The Crash of

Update your blog Joey, get back to the passion of blogging Joey! My internal voice tells me this numerous times each week. My poor orphaned blog, which crashed sometime in the past week or maybe month. Maybe if I were updating my blog, as I often say I will, I…

The Daily Show Finds Its Strive, Or I Got Used to Change

During the past few months, I've really enjoyed The Daily Show again. TDS lost me in the transition from Jon Stewart to Trevor Noah. Noah seemed (to me at least) too unsure of himself, too guarded in his jokes, the "correspondents" similarly did not appeal to me. Now, Noah has…